Saturday, September 25, 2010

There was a time....

There was a time, not so long ago, when this would have thrilled me!

Over six inches of heavy snow fell yesterday. We often get snow this time of year, but I've never seen this much snow in September and it's not melting with any great speed!

The dogs are happier about winter's early arrival or at least they were happy I survived the drive home so they didn't miss dinner!

The ancient and the sick dogs are less than impressed. Sleet clearly thinks I've lost my mind every time I suggest she should go outside! Goldie is quite thrilled with sleeping in her crate and needs some convincing when it's time to go back to her pen.

The aging out of my dog team and my lack of a reliable leader is seriously dampening my enthusiasm for winter!

To any other mushers reading this...NO NO NO NO, I am in no way interested in that young dog that didn't make your team, the older leader who needs a semi-retirement home,the puppy with leader potential, ect, ect, ect.....This crew is here to stay until nature takes it course, but there will be no new additions for several years at least!


Teddy Westlife said...

I think I'd be very depressed to get so much snow so early. I hope it's not a long and miserable winter!

dogsled_stacie said...

Hey, so I've got this dog... her name is Pooh Bear, she's REALLY smart... a GREAT leader, especially for skijoring....


Wandering Spirit Kennels said...

LOL, too bad I've heard all about Pooh Bear before! Besides, what would you do without her? She's great entertainment! I would like to see her and Tehya together sometime. I think they'd have a riot, but PB goes home with you!

Jack & Moo said...

I think mine are out in the rain dreaming about snow....

jack & moo

Khady Lynn said...

I've got this psycho, relentlessly energetic puppy who....oh, what mom? Why can't I give her away? She wants to go play with Tehya anyway!

Ok. Never mind.
