So we did make it back from Costa Rica, but ever since we got back it's been cold, cold, cold here! So cold that even my dogs can't be convinced to go for a run! There's no end in sight to the cold snap, -33C predicted for Christmas day!

Costa Rica was amazing. We had a fantastic trip. I took an insane number of pictures! The critters were all well behaved in our absence! :)

Volcan Arenal was clouded while we were in the area so we didn't see any lava flows. It is still a spectacular sight though!

We went fishing. Stuart was one happy camper as he reeled in several tuna and a couple groupers. The boat captain came to our cabina the next night and barbequed up our catch for us. I even ate some grouper & lived to tell the story. I don't usually eat anything that used to live in water!

The sunsets in Playa Tamarindo were truly spectacular. I liked the consistent 12 hours of light everyday. Sunrise & sunset only change by a few minutes over the course of the year. I could definately get used to that. The only thing I truly hate about the North is the months of dark!

Lounging on the Blue Dolphin Sailing Catamaran with a glass of sugar cane liquour! I'll be holding onto this memory all winter....maybe all the way to late 2012, when the return trip is hopefully going to occur!