Saturday, December 10, 2011
Just a plain brown tabby
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Big Kahoona
If I had known then what that stare meant, I'd have wished her well and walked away. All I saw was big brown eyes an an underweight dog in a kennel too small for her. I loved her instantly and paid her adoption fee on the spot.
Kayleigh was the toughest dog I have ever known. Tough in every sense of the word. She was huge, tough to control, tough to confine, tough to train with a stubborn streak a mile wide. It took her a long time to realize she didn't have to defend herself here; that there would always be enough food; I would not forget to feed her and there were more tennis balls if she wrecked one.
Kayleigh pushed her limits her whole life. There were several emergency runs to the vet...she liked the taste of porcupine, she ate a box of toothpicks, her littermate who we briefly fostered tried to rip her throat out. There was never a dull moment in her younger years!
We were not the perfect home for Kayleigh. She was not meant to be a pack dog. She would not tolerate most dogs anywhere near her territory. Kayleigh had an out of control prey drive. If it was smaller than her, it was prey. She had been hungry as a puppy and she never forgot that feeling. Age mellowed her a bit, but she was always a 110 pound handful!
By the time we realized Kayleigh was not just having adjustment issues, that she had real issues that weren't going to be easy to fix, it was too late. We loved her and she had such a history of chaos that we could not have responsibly placed her in another home.
So we set out to give her the best life we could within her limits. My husband built her a pen more secure than the local jail; full of places she could dig with lots of room to stretch her legs, connected to the shop ; so she could still be an inside dog. I would sneak her out late at night in summer and take her to the quarries for a swim. She loved to swim!
Kayleigh was tough, but she was not tough to love. She was full of personality, vibrant and happy. She had a quirky sense of humor and more than a hint of mischief in her eyes. She firmly believed she was not too big to be a lap dog. She loved a good belly rub, a long cuddle and a good game of fetch.
Kayleigh turned 13 in October. Acute kidney failure stole her from us yesterday.
She taught me more in the 11 years we shared than I could have learned from 100 easier dogs. I will miss her dearly.
It wasn't a perfect life; I hope it was enough.
Kayleigh, the Big Kahoona
October 21, 1998 - November 23, 2011
Sunday, October 09, 2011
How things have changed...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The best dog ever....

Friday, July 15, 2011
The big dog miracle
Saturday, April 09, 2011
A decade...

If I had known then what I know now, I'd have turned that dare down; but I would not know what I do now without Kayleigh. The tough ones are the best teachers.
Happy Gotcha Day, Kayleigh Kahoona. I wouldn't change a thing...except maybe that day you ate the box of toothpicks and damn near killed yourself!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Godspeed, Puff..

She was tough, fiesty, full of attitude, but she was friendly and sweet with a purr much bigger than her small size. She gave a headbonk that could cause concussions. She could never understand why I bothered to offer her cat food. She firmly believed she should be allowed to share my meals right off my plate. Cat food was beneath her; she was entitled to human food at her demand.
Puff hadn't looked healthy in the entire time she lived here. She was thin; she couldn't be bothered to groom much; her name was not very fitting anymore! Yet, she ate, loved her nip and meowed her demands to anyone who would listen. She slept even more than usual the last few days, but showed no signs that she was in pain or suffering. She was gone when I got home tonight with no signs of struggle. It appears she left peacefully and like everything else Puff did, she left this world on her own terms.
I hope she has found her first owner. They would be delighted to be together again. I'll miss you, old girl. Thanks for letting us share the last few years of your life. It was a privilege.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Happy Tehya Day

Sometimes the best things happen when you ignore your better judgement. I'm forever grateful that I ignored mine and agreed to let Tehya join the pack!
Happy Gotcha Day, Babydog!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
More Goodbyes..
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Goodbye Bandit
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Rare Husky-Beaver Cross...
This is what happens when you own a very rare breed, the Husky-Beaver mix! It looks like your typical sled dog, maybe with blue eyes, likely black and white, but it chews. Like a beaver it chews only wood! It's hard on fences and gates!

This is my very own Husky-Beaver cross, Chum. Chum was on his way home from an unscheduled visit with Dr. Candace. Note the lump on the left side of his face. That is from an abcessed broken tooth...likely broken by chewing on his fence!
Chum is not a happy dog! He'll be going back for a longer visit with the vet clinic staff tomorrow...that tooth has to come out.
Maybe he'll learn his lesson and only chew on the vast quantity of bones, rawhides and dog toys I've always provided to him!
Somehow I doubt it though!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Where do you want this one?
That's how it all started a little over seven years ago when my hubby hopped out the truck with a dog and Founder joined our pack.

He fit right in; one of those dogs who was meant to be a pack animal. He had the occasional squabble when Founder thought he should be a boss dog, but he usually regained his senses quickly and settled back in to his spot!

Answers to the whys and hows are only for our peace of mind. Nothing will change the fact that our pack is missing a member; that our yard is eerily quiet without his big voice; that no big blockhead is pushing his way between us every time we try to pet another dog.
I'm so sorry that I wasn't here when you needed me most, but grateful that you were not alone; that you were with a familar person who cared about you as you left.
We will miss and love you forever, Founder.
Edited to add: we just heard from our vet that Founder had a tumour on his heart and his death was essentially inevitable. We are deeply grateful for Dr. Stuart's quick response, competence; for answering our questions and relieving the guilt and what if's that may have haunted us.
Monday, January 03, 2011
Etsy Sale...

Until January 31, I am having a sale in my Etsy shop.
Just enter coupon code YEAREND
at checkout to receive 15% off your purchase!
The shop can be found here:
New items added regularly!