10 years ago today, a huge black and white dog jumped on the gate to her kennel, stared me straight in the eye and dared me to take her home.

If I had known then what I know now, I'd have turned that dare down; but I would not know what I do now without Kayleigh. The tough ones are the best teachers.
Happy Gotcha Day, Kayleigh Kahoona. I wouldn't change a thing...except maybe that day you ate the box of toothpicks and damn near killed yourself!
Happy Gotcha Day Kayleigh. We think you picked the right home for yourself having a human understand you.
Happy Gotcha Day, Kayleigh! (...and no more toothpicks!)
A box of toothpicks?? You are making child rearing look easy!!
happy gotcha day!!
RA & Isis
A very happy gotcha day to Kayleigh! You sure know how to pick the perfect mom!
I will always remember the great toothpick caper -
I always 'enjoy' your retelling it -
Happy Kayleigh Day!!!!!!!!!!
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