What a difference a little time, little warmth and some good medicine can make.

Pirate has gone from this rather pathetic looking old girl

To this beautiful creature.

who spends her afternoons lounging the sun....

And remembering her younger days. I bet she was a fine sled dog in her day!
Metacam controls her arthritis and gives her pretty good mobility again. She can even run a bit and has been caught playbowing a few times! DES twice a week has stopped the urine leakage. She is right thrilled with the house dog thing! Doesn't even have to sleep in a crate anymore. She has picked her favorite blanket by the foot of the bed and happily curls up there every evening. She gets more affectionate every day and is turning into a leaner who likes to cuddle right in for some attention! She'll even push the young punks out of her way when she wants some lovin'!
She may not have years left, but she's a delightful old soul and it is my pleasure to keep her warm, comfy and loved for however long she does have left!