Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Remembering Uncle Elmer....

In every young girl's life, there should be at least one man who adores her. I was lucky enough to not only have a remarkable father, but also his brothers. All of them loving, wonderful uncles; each of them holds their own place in my heart and many happy memories, but perhaps the most special was Uncle Elmer. I'm not entirely sure why, maybe because he didn't have a daughter when I was born(she came along a couple years later), but we shared a special bond. I always knew with absolute certainty that Uncle Elmer adored me. The feeling was mutual.

Life threw Uncle Elmer some horrendous blows; things that would have brought a lesser man to his knees or to the bottle and kept him there forever. But not my Uncle. I have no doubt that he never forgot, but he kept going; kept living his life; travelling with his faithful black lab, Dutchess, by his side; being a devoted father, grandfather, son, uncle and brother; finding new love and happiness.

It was a life well lived; a rich and full life. It was too short. Uncle Elmer passed away on May 17. I will miss him. I hope that wherever he is now, he has been reunited with his loved ones who left before him; that he has found peace and comfort; and that Dutchess is once again contentedly napping at his feet.

Rest well, Uncle Elmer.


Phred said...

Here's wishing your Uncle Elmer
hooks up with my Uncle Sam (my Mom's Brudder).

Uncle Sam took after Boppa (their Dad - my Grandfather)
and was a jack of all trades ---
a really NEET Guy!

Carol said...

I am so glad you are home again. i missed being able to pick up the phone and talk to you. With all that has been going on, I am sure Uncles Elmer, Fritz and Dennis are shaking their heads. Elmer was one for giving advice even when not wanted so I am sure he would say "Life goes on..make the best of it". How wonderful you remembered Dutchess, what a sweet faithful critter...they have to be re-united. Love ya, Mom

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We were sorry to read about your loss on your 'I'm bakhk' email.

Tank woo fur sharing your unkhle's specialness with us!

Khyra and Phyll

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

We is so sorry fur your loss. May woo always have happy memories of him.

Husky kisses,

Unknown said...

Hugs and dog kisses from all of us. You are lucky to have such a beautiful memory.

Jack & Moo said...

Tamara, that was a beautiful tribute to your Uncle. I'm sure Dutchess was there to greet him when he crossed. We send our sympathies to you & yours.

Sad woos,
Star & Jack & Pat & JoJoe