A little over six years ago, a scared little shadow of a dog entered our world. We called Pacer "the ghost dog" due to his solid white coloring and reluctance to have anything to do with people. He lurked on the fringes of our lives, too scared to get too close to anyone.

Then about four years ago, Pacer ended up on the bottom of a pack fight and almost lost his life. It turned out the be the best thing that every happened to him. For six weeks, his options were put with me tending to his wounds while being forced to live inside or die. Pacer may be shy but he's very bright and he knew I was trying to help, even when it hurt!

Oh, how far we've come my little devil dog....from living on the fringes of the yard, to reluctant acceptance of contact, to snuggling on the bed! And it only took six years!
**Devil dog comes from his ears...his behavior is not devilish at all, but when he's happy and relaxed his ears look like little devil horns!**
You know what they say: good things come to those who wait.
Hee hee our word is "phond".... sure sounds like woo are "phond" of Pacer! Ha-roo roo! I just know if I met Pacer, he would get to like me too. Sure am glad he found such a great home with woo! Happy Gotcha Day, Pacie!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo
(...or just "Happy Pacer Day" in case its not his Gotcha Day) Mom's glasses must not be working right again.)
HaRoooo! Way to go Pacer! Glad woo is warmin' up to your maw and playin' snuggies wid her. It's da best feelin'!
Husky kisses,
Way to go, Pacer. We are so proud of you. Our hu-dad was snuggling on the couch with Kiska just before coming up to read the blogs. He smiled at your story because Kiska was not quite so different (but a little less severe). But she now loves her snuggle times.
The smiles say it all!
He couldn't have found a more perfect home!!!
Snuggling is sooo much fun!!
I love it!!! Way to go Pacer. I also love that you like to snuggle on the pillow. I like that as well!
How wonderful, for you both!!
Yay, Pacer! This story made my day!
Pacer and my SmokeMutt were from
the same mold ... Smoke was
*Terrified* of me for the first few days -
then just *mortified* if I moved too quickly.
NOW he just melts to be *touched*.
Dogs - just GOTTA Love 'em!
Hi my name is Mardi and I foster rescue dogs for Siberian Husky Rescue in Tucson AZ. I need to find a forever home for Chanta, a shepherd /husky mix.She is 3 years old,healthy and spayed and upd on shots. She was rescued off death row at the shelter. I have had her in my foster care for over a year. No one seems to want this beautiful,sweet but shy girl. She needs a woman who will give her the time she needs to trust.I can not continue to foster her as I am 63 years young and now legally blind. I already have 6 of my own dogs.I just can't keep any more.Please if you could help me find this dog a forever home, I would be very grateful and so would Chanta. Please contact me at wolfsinger.lakota@gmail.com Thank you, Mardi
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