This is what happens when you own a very rare breed, the Husky-Beaver mix! It looks like your typical sled dog, maybe with blue eyes, likely black and white, but it chews. Like a beaver it chews only wood! It's hard on fences and gates!

It's also hard on teeth!

This is my very own Husky-Beaver cross, Chum. Chum was on his way home from an unscheduled visit with Dr. Candace. Note the lump on the left side of his face. That is from an abcessed broken tooth...likely broken by chewing on his fence!
Chum is not a happy dog! He'll be going back for a longer visit with the vet clinic staff tomorrow...that tooth has to come out.
Maybe he'll learn his lesson and only chew on the vast quantity of bones, rawhides and dog toys I've always provided to him!
Somehow I doubt it though!
So is he pooping sawdust now? hehehe
Silly Chum. You don't need to make your own tooth picks!
Good luck with that plan :)
Oh Chum, woo need another day job! Good luck with the teefies, woo'll feel much better without that sore one.
jack & moo
We have one of those who finds chewing on the house a fun time. Not a dog house. The human house. The rules have been explained many times.
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