From this little cutie
To this long-legged pretty girl!
Some things haven't changed though...
From day one she's loved to play with, chase, and chew on Anvik.
She spent this afternoon playing, chewing and chasing Anvik!
Happy birthday, Tehya. You'll always be my babydog, even when you outgrow your puppy antics!
Wow, has she ever changed! What a beautiful, leggy girl she has grown up into. I'm glad to see she's still enjoying her old chew-toy! :)
Happie Birfday, Tehya!!
You've certainly "livened up" the ole Whispering Spirits Ranch since you arrived! Young Pups help loosen up the older dawgs - not to mention keeping the 2-Leggers on their toes!
Now let's go a little *easy* on your favorite chew-toy - poor Anvik! He'd prolly rather share your Birfday Cake than your teeth.
Are you guys all having Pup-Cakes wiff Frosty Pawz? Or are you going to Partee with a run in the woods with Mom?
Whatever you do - have a GREAT First Birfday, *Cutie*!
/s/ Phred, Cinder & Smokey
She is such a cutie! I have thought that ever since you brought her home!
Happy birthday Tehya!!! I hope you got lots of treats!
Happy Birthday Tehya! You look absolutly beautiful in all of your photos. Hope your birthday came with lots of loves and treats! Oh, and kisses too!
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