I picked them up on the highway this morning, near Wolf Creek. They hopped in my truck like we were long lost buddies. They are ridiculously sweet!
Normally, I would have just brought them home, but they are pretty little and some of the huskies aren't so good with little dogs! So they are at the city pound. I feel like a bag of crap for taking them there, but I would feel even worse if I saw their little broken bodies on the side of the road!
I'd rather not have to post their bail, so if these little sweeties are your dogs, or you know where they belong, please call Animal Control at 668-8317 and reclaim them!
Edited to add...the little punkins were very quickly reclaimed by their owner!
Oh how sad!! I sure hope their owner finds them at the shelter and they get back home soon! You did a good thing! But then, you always do!
I will say that my MalGalPal is khorrekht!
Thanks from one khanine!!
Another two Gold Stars to add to your crowded forehead!
When it's time to Bail 'em - let us all know - we'll pass the collection plate and have 'em sprung in no time!
Maybe we otta just chip in NOW for the Little Dog Annex at the Wandering Spirits Husky, Kat and Lil Dawg Ranch ... be a much better investment than paying Bail to Animal Control!
Anyway - those Lil Guys will need a place to camp after they move in!
*BIG grinn*
Wow, those are sure two cute doggies! Hope all goes well for them!
I'm glad the little doggies got claimed to go home. Stinkers probably escaped somehow. I found a dog last year and had nowhere to put here so I had to take her to the pound. It KILLED me. I cried all the way there with her. I asked them to call if nobody claimed and they didn't so I keep telling myself her family found her. She was probably an escapee, too. The first dog reminds me of her.
Added to the original posting by Glacier:
"Edited to add...the little punkins were very quickly reclaimed by their owner!"
I guess we won't need to collect Bail Money!
Should we start to *Pass da Hat* for funds to create the "Lil Dawg" enclosure at the Wandering Spirits Ranch?
GOOD On'ya, Tamara!!
Way to go! I'm happy the pups found their owners.
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