Monday, June 05, 2006

How the huskies spent their weekend...

If you've ever looked at a Husky rescue site, you've probably noticed a section titled something like "so you think you want a husky...". That section goes on to list all the things that huskies do simply because they are huskies! My dogs excel at most of those things and even provided photographic proof for the Harnessed to Hope Rescue.

The dogs spent the weekend indulging in their favorite spring activities:

Digging--Teamwork is very important for a sled dog!

Chum is more of a solo act!

There's nothing quite like watching a big pack play! They sound like they might killing each other, but they have a great time! They even entertain the neighbor's dog, Daisy, who spends most of her time with us! She's the curly haired black and brown dog in the picture.

Franklin continued to work on his tan, despite the dreary weather!
Spring also means that there is fur freaking everywhere! Just about everyone is blowing their coats right now. Big tufts of fur all of the place!

Delta shows off the coat that helped him to survive a month on his own! He has the most spectacular coat! I'm saving their fur for a friend who spins it into wool!


Anonymous said...

So is your whole yard that gravel/dirt?
I'll bet that's real easy to take care of.


Wandering Spirit Kennels said...

Hi Sean

Most of the yard is gravel or sand. The rest is natural forest. We have no landscaping, gave up on that a long time ago!


dogsled_stacie said...

Ah, a digging post! You beat me to it!! I spent my last days off filling in holes. Guess how long it took them to re-dig them!?? One day! Aghhhhhh....

Are you sure Delta isn't related to Franklin/my monsters? Man, he sure looks like them.

Love Franklin's relaxed suntanning pose! It's like he's posing for a magazine.